Our Services

Organisational Change Management

Navigating organisational change remains one of the greatest challenges for organisations. Our change capability focuses on 3 key areas:

  • Organisational change management
  • Cultural assessment and transition, and
  • Work practices and process redesign

Creating alignment across these critical components is achieved by a well-integrated, collaborative approach, that builds organisational capacity and paves the way for successful implementation and take-up.

Organisational Change Management

Change frequency has grown exponentially in recent years, creating new challenges for organisations. Transformation programs, complex projects and multiple change initiatives over time, have a prolonged impact on staff and the organisation as a whole.  Poorly managed change can have a compounding effect that is not sustainable and is consistently cited as one of the major contributing factors to disappointing results.

Conversely, a well-executed change management program not only helps maximise business outcomes for a specific change initiative/s; it can also be the catalyst for creating a more resilient and agile organisation.  When organisations value and continuously develop their change capability and agility; they are better able to capitalise on business opportunities, respond to threats, and keep pace with customer expectations.

Our approach to change management involves identifying and implementing strategies to improve organisation and staff capabilities; ensure the needs of stakeholder groups, internal and external to the organisation are met; strategic alignment is achieved, and business benefits can be realised.

Regardless of the type of change initiative you are undertaking, we can assist with the full range of Organisational Change Management activities throughout the lifecycle of the implementation.

Culture Assessment and Transition

Culture tends to trump strategy. The best strategy will fail to deliver expected outcomes if it does not align with organisational culture.

When embarking on a new strategic direction, organisations must first understand the existing culture – does the culture support the new strategy and desired outcomes, or will it hinder it? Organisations can choose to align strategy with their existing culture, or seek to shift the existing culture to align with the new strategic direction. Hoping people will change their ways because it is the will of the executive, will not result in sustainable cultural change, ultimately people will revert to established behaviours and ways of working.

Culture change takes time and a concerted effort and is best achieved when a small number of catalytic behaviours are identified that will help drive the culture change needed. Behaviour is tangible, measurable and infinitely easier to implement than asking people to change how they think and feel. Reinforced, demonstrable behaviours that are designed to affect cultural change have the greatest chance of success.

We work with organisations to help identify existing cultural traits and behaviours, identify where culture may support or hinder strategic direction and develop strategies to transition to new cultural norms that will support and sustain the new strategy.

Through this practice, organisations develop their change capability and agility; building greater resilience and an innovative mindset; better equipping them to capitalise on business opportunities, respond to threats, and keep pace with customer expectations.

Work Practices and Process Redesign

Whether as part of a larger program of work or a stand-alone stream, improving work practices and business processes, creates opportunities for organisations to dramatically improve customer and employee experience and reduce inefficiencies and costs.

Mapping current processes and using human-centred design to optimise target-state work practices is a valuable and efficient way of improving organisational performance. Adopting an agile approach to the design and implementation of new practices and processes, allows organisations to generate ‘quick wins’, building a positive response to change and realising benefits sooner.

Our approach to design is highly collaborative, ensuring subject matter experts and key users from impacted business areas are at the centre of the design process; increasing buy-in; ensuring the best solution is identified and building valuable skillsets within the organisation; creating a foundation for continuous improvement.