Our Services

Digital and Technology Strategy

Today’s business complexities, coupled with disruptive technologies, have implications for every organisation. Whilst these complexities may seem daunting, they also represent an opportunity for greater value delivery.

There are many different approaches to transform a business, but the successful implementation and operationalising of technology is an increasing factor.

Digital and technology strategy should balance business needs – financial, cultural, operational etc. and customer needs – principally ease of use, relevant experiences and speed. Our team come from very different backgrounds and are able to fuse these key factors seamlessly, in both planning and execution.

In addition to the introduction of new technologies, unlocking value also compels organisations to address legacy issues such as fragmented IT and technology debt.

We help our clients to understand their unique situation and how technology can be utilised to uncover and harness emerging opportunities and optimise existing platforms, to deliver new value.

Our approach is:

Collaborative; we infuse our experience and expertise into the organisation in order to up-skill and empower our client’s teams.

Flexible; depending on the digital maturity of our client we can crawl, walk or run.

Empowering; we work with every level within the organisation to improve digital literacy and understanding, so that the organisation can lead its own transformation

BUSINESS CONSULTANTS has a long history of delivering IT strategy and operating model design services. Our clients come from a broad cross-section of industries including financial services, higher education, energy, entertainment and the NFP sector.

In delivering these services, we leverage a proven IT framework tailored to suit each organisation’s unique needs. Our framework considers IT from a number of dimensions including:

  • Business Alignment and Engagement
  • Strategy and Architecture
  • People, Culture, Capabilities and Structure
  • Governance and Financial Management
  • Applications
  • Operations and Infrastructure
  • Security and Risk
  • Services Planning and Management and
  • Project Delivery